2004 – 5/20/2019
Our baby, you were (are) more than a dog, you were (are) our little boy. We always said that you were part human, but that was the wrong term because what you gave us was more than a human could ever give.
From the moment you entered our lives you changed us forever, you taught us so much. You were our first doggie, we never knew that a creature could be so loving and bring such joy and happiness to a human’s heart, but Tiko you did that and so much more.
Baby, you healed mommy and gave me what no human had ever given me. Little boy, you gave me (daddy) more than I can say in words. Daddy always said that you were like a Tonka Truck and called you Tonka Tuff, and you were, all the way to the end.
Baby, my little guy, I told you that if you had to go it was ok, and you being the special boy that you were (are) you held on until daddy went to see you before you allowed yourself to go.
Our little Munchkito, you are now in a place where you are free from all sickness, you can see, you can run, you can play. We know that now you are in pure bliss.
Our hearts are broken, a pain we can’t describe, but knowing that you are blissful will help us to go on.
We know that you are watching over us and your little sister Gigi. You will forever be in our hearts and not a day will go by that we will not say as we always have “Tiko I love you”
Edwin, Iris, and Gigi Berrios