
Pudding the miniature pincher was a beautiful little baby unlike any other. She came to us as one half a bonded pair, along with fellow min pin Jello. Pudding came to us malnourished and heartworm positive as a result of a harsh prior life, and had to be nursed back to health in a calm household.
Little did we realize, the words “calm” and “pudding” did not mix! It wasn’t before long the little spitfire had a spring in her step and developed a pesky kind of wit. Later deemed “foster failure”(along with Jello) and rebranded as “Creekey”, she was always the high energy dog of the house, often to the chagrin of her doggie roommates… as she had the tendency to step upon them and meddle in their business. It became a running gag that while the others’ energy would peter throughout the day, Creekey was always revved-up, wide-eyed, and ready to play.
Creekey was the most innocent, loyal dog we have ever known. Right at the beginning, she met us with unconditional love, trust, and devotion, always angling for deep snuggles and constant human contact. She was incontinent, requiring her to wear a diaper at all times, which made her all the more adorable.
While the others could not be trusted off-leash, around strangers, or other dogs, Creekey was an angel in any situation you put her in. When she developed health issues later in life, we would base our vacations around her, and always traveled to pet-friendly hotels with Creekey in tow. It limited our options, but she always made it fun.
Creekey was a trooper. She spent her entire life wrestling with a bad pair of kidneys. Many times she came very close to the end, only to kick-out at the last second. But this last time proved to be too much for her to overcome.
We never knew her true age, but Creekey never lost that inner puppy, and even though we spent many happy years with her, her loss felt shocking, sudden, and too soon. We are eternally grateful to have known this wonderful little girl, and she will remain in our hearts for the rest of time. She is survived by her min pin partner Jello, and our miniature dachshund Pipsqueak.