There are no words to express how much Metro meant to us. He brought unconditional love and joy into our lives from Day One…
On 12/30/13, a freezing cold day, Metro was left tied to a fence in front of a city shelter in Brooklyn. With the help of Bobbi and the Strays, we were able to rescue him the day before he was going to be euthanized. On 1/14/14, our handsome boy was brought to us and we were overjoyed! At first we fostered him and shortly after adopted our Metro.
We certainly hit the jackpot with this guy! We didn’t have to teach him how to love. His doggie smiles, “happy paws”, funny head tilts, kisses, and all around silliness made our hearts swell. In later days, our daily trips to the park and our Sagamore adventures were the highlight of our days and will never be forgotten…
Our sweet Metro was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in January of 2022 and given a bleak prognosis. Unbelievably, he was with us for over two years since that time and mostly did well. He was hospitalized for 4 days with a serious septic knee condition in September of 2023, and went to physical therapy for months following it. His resilience was absolutely inspiring! How lucky we were to have had that extra time with this incredible dog. It’s going on one year since we had to say goodbye to our boy and we’ve had to learn how to live without him. It hasn’t been easy.
Rest easy, our Mettie, our Metro-Man. You will remain in our hearts forever…
Metro Tallon Demitriou, 7/25/2011-3/21/2024