Isabella Scout Conway

Isabella Scout Conway: January 1, 2007-October 31, 2020
From the day we brought you home from North Shore Animal League, on March 3, 2007, a sickly little puppy with an upper respiratory infection, life was never the same. You brought nothing but love, happiness, and sunshine to my life.
You gave Dad a reason to smile again, after losing his beloved Bailey, a week earlier. You loved to snuggle in bed and bury yourself under the covers. When I was sick, you never left my side-gently kissing my face to let me know you were next to me. As Dad used to always say, “Izzy you are a good, good girl”.
Dad would walk you around the block twice, and then sit on the corner stoop, where he would read his paper and you played on the lawn while waiting for me to come home. You would amaze him every day, as you always went to the door or corner because you knew I was home, long before I even parked my car. You gave him endless love and smiles in the last ten years of his life.
I know he was waiting for you with open arms once you crossed the Rainbow Bridge. You were my shadow after he passed in September 2016. The only thing that makes my grief bearable, is knowing you missed him as much as I did, and your constant unconditional love.
You touched so many lives. You welcomed the foster pups I would bring home, and let them eat first before enjoying your favorite nom noms. Our happiest times were in Cape May, where you would run your heart out on the beach, bark at all of the people on the promenade, as if to say “come play with me on the beach, it’s great here!” But, what made you so very special is the way you would look directly into our eyes. It was as if you were looking deep into our souls, pushing out all of your love to us. As many have said, there is no way else to describe it, you were such an emotional attachment soul. It was as if you could feel what was in our hearts.
You loved meeting new friends and were so gentle with the tiny ones. Our time together was not long enough, and it seemed to fly. If I could buy anything in the world, it would be more time with you. You were my heart and soul. Cape May will never be the same without you.
Thank You, Izzy (Izzy Bean, Izzy Belly Pie, Scout, Cookie, Love Bug). I was truly blessed to have almost 14 amazing years with you in my life. Run free on the great beach in heaven.
My world was a beautiful place with you in it. We will forever miss you and keep you in our hearts,
Love Mommy, Chris, Jessica, Stephanie, Cindy, and Rich