Even though she had what appeared to be a contented life at the breeder’s barn with her littermates and mother, Daria turned out to be terrified of the world. Everything was new, especially riding in a car which made her throw up all the way home. She didn’t warm up readily to others and was constantly on guard against suspicious voices in the hall or other dogs we encountered on our walks. Nevertheless, she was very loyal and affectionate to both of us, Our feisty companion. It could be annoying, but I’d give anything now to hear that bark! She did keep us safe. Good girl!
We were privileged to have her with us for eight years but it went by way too fast and was way too short. It seemed like overnight she went from her badass self to a weak, lethargic, and confused old lady. We knew something was wrong but were devastated to learn she had advanced cancer in her spleen and liver failure. Our time with her was up. As a person of faith, it behooves me to say, “bad show God.” But as a confirmed dog lover and owner, I guess I knew this was part of the bargain.