Our hearts are breaking for 9 year old Yorkie, Ming. Found as a stray, we don’t know what this poor gentle soul has gone through. She was so dirty, her nails were so overgrown, she’s missing hair and has scabs and sores oozing on her face and other parts of her little body. Our vet informed us they are burns. Who could do this to such a sweet sentient being? We are sad, we are angry. But we know from now on she will be ok and this is a start to her new life.
Ming is on pain medication to ease the hurt of her burns as well as antibiotics and medicated baths. We are waiting for the results of her blood work. When she is healthy, she will need a dental and we will have her spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, heart worm tested, and give her whatever other care she needs!
It will be a while before our little Ming is ready to be adopted, but that day will come for sure. Please follow her progress and consider making a donation towards her care.
Please donate ❤ We can’t do it without you!
We can also accept donations via our website.