Cubby was found all alone after a snow storm in a Queens park. Her paws were bleeding from frostbite. Despite what she had been through, Cubby was also a super happy dog and greeted people with a wiggle dance, tail wagging. She is about three years old. She walks well on a leash, loves playing fetch and lounging on your lap =) She also knows the "sit" command and is housebroken. Cubby has seen lots of dogs come and go since she has been at the shelter, but no one has even come to look at Cubby since she has been here. Maybe its because she is a pit mix or she is brindle? She longs for someone to give her a chance and not judge her by her looks but instead by whats in her heart. Please email or call us today. Cubby is waiting for you. For immediate consideration, please email our application to Thank you so much!